thermal time constant

英 [ˈθɜːml taɪm ˈkɒnstənt] 美 [ˈθɜːrml taɪm ˈkɑːnstənt]

网络  热时常数; 热时间常数; 反应时间; 常數; 常数



  1. It is made clear through the theoretical analysis that the frequency shift is dependent on the modulation frequency, thermal time constant, bias current of the laser diode and so on.
  2. Theoretical Calculation and Experimental Research on Thermal Time Constant of Single-core Cables
  3. Temperature data in transformer core during heating up under no-load test are analysed, and mathematical model for temperature rise curves at some test points established, thermal time constant in its expression assumed as a linear function of time.
  4. When laser irradiates IR system, the disturbance time of output signal is not only related with thermal effects generated by absorbed power of detector and filter, but also related with the time constant of RC in IR system.
  5. The Response Time Index ( RTI) which is a parameter of sprinkler actuation represents the thermal time constant for the heat-responsive element of an automatic sprinkler and the square root of the associated gas velocity.
  6. After sputtering with N-Cr, a microstructure of temperature-sensitive sensor was formed, and its character of R-T and thermal response time constant were measured.
  7. The activation energy of thermal relaxation of dipoles for main-chain segmental motion in amorphous region was decreased linearly and the time constant of dipolar thermal relaxation was increased exponentially with increasing of crystallinity.
  8. A study on the thermal performance of the solar air heater is presented. The methods to test the time constant, resident time, incident angular modifier and instantaneous thermal efficiency are suggested.
  9. The simulation study of single neuron control scheme for use in the thermal process is carried out. The results of study show that the neuron control still has strong robustness under the case of greatly changing the main time constant and sampling period.
  10. The method to calculate thermal time constant and allowable overload time of dry-type transformer is presented. The calculating example with Excel is given.
  11. Based on some simplified assumptions the equation for thermal hysteresis is introduced and a formula is thereby derived for calculating the time constant.